Advancing the Battle Against Drugs in U.S.
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I agree with the editorial “One Less Voice for Drug Reform.”
A valuable voice has been lost when the Rev. Robert Schuller withdrew his name from a petition urging reform of the nation’s drug laws.
I am currently a participant in an intensive public affairs training program called Orange County Focus (sponsored by Coro Southern California). Among other things, we examine the effectiveness of our leaders in Orange County.
I have great admiration for the leadership Dr. Schuller has shown. Specifically, he embodies two qualities essential in a leader: vision and courage.
But in second-guessing himself, by perhaps being too media-savvy and overly cautious, Dr. Schuller let us down in the courage department.
The Crystal Cathedral is a magnificent tribute to one man’s vision and dream, a place where people of all faiths can come and raise a joyful shout to the Lord.
But in this same sunlit cathedral, I believe Dr. Schuller has sacrificed principle on the altar of expediency.
Another famous cleric, Thomas a Becket, in T.S. Eliot’s play, “Murder in the Cathedral,” raises this bothersome but worthwhile ethic to ponder: “This be the greatest treason, to do the right deed for the wrong reason.”