
What Card Clubs Will Bring to Cypress, Stanton

The federal government has an out-of-control deficit and Clinton is going to raise taxes. California has a budget crisis. This means less in state and federal grant money awarded to all cities, including Cypress. Compounding the fact, we’re still in a recession with high unemployment. The net result is schools suffer and city services are cut.

Today, Cypress must accept the financial burden and stop relying on federal and state monies to provide for their citizens.

Cypress voters have a unique opportunity to build a stronger community, one in which a fully staffed police force can keep gangs, violence and graffiti off our streets. One in which outreach programs can provide senior and child day-care. One in which DARE can educate and keep our children off drugs. One in which our neighborhoods are kept clean and maintained.


Vote Yes on Measure A and Cypress will not only be safer for us and our children today, but our quality of life will be secure for the future.


