
Funeral Service for Drysdale to Be Held Monday in Glendale

The body of Don Drysdale is scheduled to be flown from Montreal to Los Angeles today, in preparation for a funeral service Monday at Forest Lawn in Glendale.

The service, open to family and friends, is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. in the Hall of the Crucifixion-Resurrection.

In lieu of flowers the Drysdale family has asked that donations be made to the Don Drysdale Foundation, Inc., or to Major League Baseball Players Alumni in care of the Los Angeles Dodgers, 1000 Elysian Park Ave., Los Angeles 90012. The Drysdale Foundation is a nonprofit charity that provides support to various charitable and community services.


Drysdale died either late Friday night or early Saturday morning in his hotel room in Montreal, apparently of a heart attack. He was found about 19 hours later by hotel personnel, who were asked to check on him after he failed to appear at Olympic Stadium, where he was scheduled to broadcast the Dodger-Expo game.

Results of an autopsy are not expected for at least 10 days.
