
WHERE THE MONEY IS: Willie Sutton proved...

WHERE THE MONEY IS: Willie Sutton proved that robbing banks was not a successful occupation, but that hasn’t stopped people from trying for quick bucks that way. Nearly 150 bank robberies have been reported in Orange County so far this year. Still, that’s down nearly 20% from 1992. . . . Says FBI Special Agent Steven Berry: “We’re hopeful the trend will continue.” He attributes the decline to banks becoming more security-conscious and expanded law enforcement efforts.

TRIPLE THREAT: If just the thought of dental work makes you squirm, think about the poor dentist bent over your molars--mouth after mouth. Eight years ago, Newport Beach dentist Bob Cuyler says, he got “dentist burnout” from the tension of the job. . . . His answer was to add a new lifestyle with lots of outdoor exercise. It’s paid off, too. Cuyler leaves today for Manchester, England, where he has qualified for an international triathlon event of swimming, running and bike riding. “Now I build my dental hours around my exercise,” he says. “My staff loves it.”

ANGEL’S VOICE: It’s been years since Emmy Lou Harris had a hit song. But who needs it? She already has such a following of devoted fans that she can barely get around the country well enough to please them all. . . . How about this week: Thursday night, Redondo Beach; Friday night, Ventura; Saturday night, the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano. But one song not in her usual repertoire: Tonight she’s at the Big A, where she’ll sing the national anthem for the Angels-Tigers game.


LAGUNA FUGITIVE: Harrison Ford, who’s getting rave reviews for his work in “The Fugitive,” has long been big box office. But in a recent interview, he recalled the lean years, when he grabbed at a chance to act in a Laguna Beach playhouse production of “John Brown’s Body.” Fortunately, he says, it led to a $150-a-week contract with Columbia. “I was so naive, I thought I had to pay them the $150,” Ford says.
