
RETAIL/RESTAURANTS : Demand for Exhibit Space Gears Up, So Interbike Pedals Off to Las Vegas

Compiled by Greg Johnson / Times staff writer

The annual Interbike Expo show, one of the world’s largest bicycling trade shows, has wheeled out of Orange County.

Interbike traditionally holds its fall show in Anaheim. But it has moved to larger facilities in Las Vegas in order to accommodate increased demand for exhibition space. Interbike, the largest show devoted solely to bicycles and related products, boasts 2,600 booths, up from 2,200 at last year’s show.

Interbike Expo producer Steve Ready predicted that $250 million in orders will be written during the show.


The Interbike show, produced by Primedia Inc. in Newport Beach, will feature exhibitors and buyers from 49 countries. “It’s appropriate that the largest global bicycle show take place in the United States,” Ready said, “because in recent years, American companies have been the source of much of the sport’s innovation and technological advancements.”

The show opens for business on Friday and runs through Monday.
