
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : Embattled VFW Buys New Meeting Place


A veterans group has obtained a new post six months after its prior headquarters was shut down by the city.

The 2.25-acre site is two miles northeast of Santa Clarita along Sierra Highway and includes a two-bedroom residence most recently used as a private office.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6885 paid about $200,000 for the site. The group has about 170 members and has been holding its biweekly meetings at the Mint Canyon Moose Lodge since February.


The Santa Clarita City Council in January, 1992, called for the group’s Sand Canyon facility to shut down because it did not have a valid conditional use permit and neighbors complained of noise and rowdy parties.

Post supporters noted that the facility had been around longer than the residents who complained that it did not fit in with their neighborhood. The post, they noted, made valuable charitable activities. A one-year grace period was allowed for post officials to sell the site.

Despite the conflict, post commander Walter (Andy) Anderson said the group looked at sites both within and outside Santa Clarita for their new home.


Realtor Jan Meggs said it was difficult to find commercial land for the new site because the old post was sold as residential property, which is less expensive. The old site sold for $295,000.

Operating a bar was a major source of revenue for the group, but also triggered complaints from Sand Canyon neighbors. The new site does not include a bar.

“Right now, we just need a place to meet,” Anderson said.

No decision has been made whether the post will apply for a permit to sell alcohol at the site. Anderson said the group will probably need to hold fund-raisers in the future to help cover expenses.
