
SAN FERNANDO : City to Expand Its Business District

The San Fernando City Council voted Monday to nearly double the size of the city’s central business district.

“We see development expanding in the area,” said Howard Miura, the city’s community development director.

The new boundaries will extend in some areas south to Hollister Street and west to Kalisher Street.


Only one single-family home and one duplex will be affected by proposed zone changes, Miura said.

Residents will be notified before zoning hearings.

Worried that the rectory of St. Ferdinand’s Catholic Church would also have been affected by zoning changes, Councilman Jose Hernandez asked that the church and rectory be excluded from the new business district boundaries. His colleagues agreed.

The new boundaries are similar to those proposed in 1973, when the city was establishing its central business district. At that time, the city decided to concentrate its business core in the San Fernando Mall.
