
Covina : High School to Get Police

The city of Covina and Charter Oak School District will share costs of assigning a police officer to Charter Oak High School in an effort to reduce crime and gang-related activity, city officials said.

The City Council approved the pilot program last week, and hopes to have it in place by the time students return from winter break, said Acting City Manager Fran Delach. The city’s portion of the officer’s $30,000 salary will come out of drug asset seizure funds, he added.

“Charter Oak (School District) is meeting us halfway, and the council is hopeful that they will initiate some policies of their own that will dramatically curb some of the problems out there, like implementing a dress code, fencing, and considering a closed campus,” Delach said.


If it is successful, the city will consider implementing the program throughout its two school districts, although funding may depend on the districts’ willingness to contribute, Delach said.

The officer’s role will extend beyond patrols, he added.

“That officer will be there as a resource for students and staff, not just as a big stick but as a positive presence,” he said. “We’re not there to be the strong arm, but to be a friend to students who might have problems.”

The city has not assigned officers to its schools since the 1970s, before Proposition 13 reduced the city’s revenue, Delach said.
