
COUNTYWIDE : County Workers Set United Way Record

The Orange County government employees who led their peers during their record-breaking 1993 United Way Campaign were honored Wednesday for raising more than $839,500.

Supervisor Harriett M. Wieder, who chaired the county’s United Way effort, presented awards to dozens of agency leaders and employees for their fund-raising activities and donations, which combined to exceed the 1992 campaign total by more than $20,000.

The success of the 1993 effort continues the county employees’ impressive pattern of breaking their own fund-raising records with every new year, Wieder said. In addition to outstripping the previous year’s accomplishment, the 1993 totals more than double the 1987 campaign revenue.


“This accomplishment is highlighted by the fact that it comes at a time when county government and its employees are struggling with an economic downturn,” Weider said.

Several agencies were honored Wednesday for having 100% participation by their employees, including the county administrative office, the county counsel’s office, the county clerk’s office and the clerk of the Board of Supervisors office.

The Orange County Fire Department was singled out for leading all agencies. Firefighters, fire officials and their support personnel collected $133,811 on their own, even though the campaign kicked off just as the wildfires surged across the Southland in October.


Merritt Johnson, president of United Way Orange County, said the effort mounted annually by the employees is among the most successful county campaigns in the country.

Totals for the overall, countywide United Way campaign will be made available March 1, a United Way spokeswoman said Wednesday. The 1992 campaign collected $18.2 million.

The money goes to the 109 health and human service agencies supported by the area United Way, and, during the campaign, another 300 programs are supported by the Community Care Fund.


Targeted issues for the 1993 campaign were assistance for abused children, crime prevention and victim assistance, AIDS prevention and education, alcohol and drug-abuse treatment, assistance for families in distress and child care development.

United Way officials said 800,000 area people--or about one out of every three Orange County residents--received assistance in 1992 through agencies supported by the charity. For more information call the United Way at (714) 660-7600.
