
Legislators’ Pay

* Hiking a legislator’s pay from $52,500 to $72,000 in December “won’t end the corruption because politicians still must grub for campaign contributions,” (George Skelton column, June 6). You’re right, George.

Regardless of the hefty raise and numerous benefits besides, politicians will continue to “grub” not only for campaign funds, but because of greed. The more they earn, the more they expect to get once in office. Why do you suppose lobbyists hang around feeding that greed? And why do you think lobbyists are permitted to do what they do? Political payoffs will go on one way or another, no matter how high the salaries.

That’s why I resent my tax dollars going to help an ambitious greedy politician get where he wants to be because of the power, prestige and payoffs he expects as his due.



Santa Monica

* It is pretty sad when our teachers get a 3/4% pay raise in three years and our legislators vote themselves a 26% raise. When the teachers ask for a mere 6% raise, they are told that there is no money and if it were approved, cuts would have to be made. The legislators had no problem finding the money, but I doubt if they would give up 6% of their raise for teachers.


