
Nameless Bigotry

Bigotry is wrong, but it is alive and growing in Simi Valley.

This past week we have seen two examples of ethnic, religious and racial bigotry.

Two “anonymous” leaflets were distributed at school campuses. The authors refused to name themselves, nor are they willing to come forward. Both remind me of the Ku Klux Klan, hiding behind sheets (paper), vicious, wrong and bigoted.

In both cases we had religious bigotry. One against Jews and the other against Christians. Both were distributed by stealth, unwilling to face the light of day or debate. While neither broke the law, both seem so embarrassed by their views that they would not sign their real names to the documents.

That is truly the sign of radicalism and bigotry. The only reason you don’t sign your name to a document is because you think it is illegal or that you are ashamed of your actions.


I call on the people of Simi Valley to denounce this bigotry. I urge the City Council to reform its human concerns committee so that the community can meet this challenge to harmony and tolerance.


Simi Valley
