
Judy McGrath Will Solo as MTV’s President

Judy McGrath has been named sole president of the Music Television cable channel with the departure of Sara Levinson.

McGrath and Levinson have shared the title of president, with McGrath overseeing creative matters and Levinson in charge of the business end.

McGrath, formerly president and creative director, will be in charge of all of MTV’s business and creative affairs.


Levinson is leaving MTV to become president of NFL Properties, the National Football League’s licensing and merchandising operation.

McGrath will continue to report to MTV Networks Chairman and Chief Executive Tom Freston. She has been a key developer of MTV programming, which has expanded the network’s licensed products, television syndication, home video, music retailing, video game and film production businesses.

Freston said MTV executives were surprised to learn that Levinson was leaving. He credited her with projects such as the development of Nickelodeon Studios in Florida.


“She did a great job for three years. (McGrath and Levinson) both made it work to their credit,” he said.

Freston also credited McGrath with furthering the network’s “pro-social agenda” through efforts such as its 1992 “Choose or Lose” political awareness campaign. “She sets the tone and environment around here,” he said.

Among McGrath’s current projects is an animated program, “The Brothers Grunt.” She will also help introduce two music channels in Asia, one broadcast in English and the other in Mandarin Chinese.
