
Congress Playing Health Care Games

* In support of a commentary (“Congress and the People Should See the Final Bill Before a Vote,” July 3) by Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach): A “meltdown of the legislative process” was pointed out by Rep. Cox, indicating that Congress is once again playing tactical games and using special interest groups to draft legislation such as health care reform.

What ever happened to the team-player concept to strive toward a common goal of such importance to us all? Being employed in a pharmaceutical company myself, I’ve seen how today’s economic conditions make it unwise for employees to perform their jobs pursuing their own agenda. To survive in today’s business means to focus the appropriate resources, minimize redundancy, stress efficiency and encourage innovation.

We must work together effectively to be successful in meeting the demands of the marketplace or fail to complete our objectives. Perhaps members of Congress are not aware that health care opportunities for all should be treated with the same amount of conviction. Instead, they jockey and position themselves just as the prosecuting and defense attorneys trying the Simpson case, most interested in public opinion rather than what they can do for their fellow citizens.



Laguna Niguel
