
Whitewater Hearings

* If anyone could watch the Whitewater hearings and not vote against every incumbent, I would like to meet him or her. That hearing was one of the most disgraceful things I have ever seen. The arrogance of Chairman Henry Gonzalez (D-Tex.), the ignorant questions by the Democrats and the inability of the Republicans to ask anything of substance, because of the extremely narrow parameters of the hearing and the party-line vote to cover up the Foster part of the hearings, is despicable. I would like to believe that the general public is as disgusted as I am about this situation and would vote against them all, but I doubt it. By election time it will be forgotten by most, I’m afraid.

Rep. Gonzalez, in trying to look like an able chairman, only looked silly. He was fumbling around trying to pretend that everything he said or did was an honest interpretation of the rules. Hogwash. He made it up as he went along.

The day that the public figures out that a democracy should operate on a majority rule, not a majority of the largest political party rule, and starts voting accordingly, then maybe the country can be saved, if it is not too late.



Arroyo Grande


The hearings in Washington on the Whitewater investigation are a total sham. The powerbrokers who have no regard for the law, only for ways to get around it, are making a public farce of our legal system.

Who is to speak for the right of justice to the American people? Who would take our legal system of justice seriously when those entrusted to uphold the law so obviously have no desire to find justice within themselves?


Blue Jay
