
BRENTWOOD : Braude Offers Steps to Ease Traffic Near Simpson Estate

Trying to stem the curiosity seekers still flocking to O.J. Simpson’s Brentwood estate, Councilman Marvin Braude has proposed two measures that would ease traffic and parking congestion on North Rockingham Road.

Braude urged the Police Department to close the street to through traffic and proposed a preferential parking district in the area to limit parking to residents with special stickers. The measures, which come as Simpson awaits trial in the double murder, will be considered by the City Council on Tuesday.

“The people who live on and around Rockingham Road in Brentwood Park are, in a very real sense, also victims of this tragic murder case,” Braude said.


“Through no fault of their own, Brentwood Park residents now find their streets jammed with cars driven by curiosity seekers from all over, who want to see, touch and have their pictures taken in front of a site that has become known the world over.”
