
Texas Poll Shows Gov. Richards, Bush Son in Close Race

Democratic Gov. Ann Richards and Republican challenger George W. Bush, a son of the former President, are locked in a tight race, the latest Texas Poll shows.

Richards has a slight lead, 47% to 43%, in the poll conducted Aug. 18-27, but the poll director calls it a dead heat because each candidate’s figure is subject to a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Ten percent are undecided, and less than 1% say they plan to vote for someone else, the media-sponsored poll of 757 likely voters said.


Bush’s climb over the past 10 months from 39% support to 43% support could be insignificant considering the margin of error. But Candace Windel, the poll director, said, “Clearly the gap has narrowed,” based on findings that Bush was becoming better known and closing in on the last days of the survey.

The election is Nov. 8.
