
Election: Opponent for Tucker in 37th: Libertarian Wilson

This is with reference to published reports and newspaper articles concerning the indictments of Rep. Walter R. Tucker III (D-Compton) on charges of bribery and income tax evasion.

Can we feel the breath of fresh air coming in the open window?

I am referring to the fact that there is one opposition candidate to Tucker: Guy Wilson.

Wilson is a Libertarian. That statement should tell the readers plenty about him: Libertarians believe that government at all levels is too large, too expensive, woefully inefficient, arrogant, intrusive and downright dangerous in some respects. Democratic and Republican politicians have created this situation and do not intend to change it.

Wilson does not accept political action committee money or other funds intended to influence him. Newspaper articles are quick to report that Guy Wilson has raised zero dollars for his campaign. Libertarians have no special interest funds; Libertarians recognize individual responsibilities that we all share to preserve our American heritage of liberty, personal responsibility and freedom in accordance with our Bill of Rights.


These fortunate citizens of the 37th Congressional District have the great opportunity to vote for Guy Wilson for Congress. Try it folks, you’ll love it.


Rancho Palos Verdes
