
LOS ANGELES : March Planned Against Immigration Initiative

A coalition of labor unions and community organizations Tuesday announced an upcoming march in Los Angeles against Proposition 187, calling it a “vicious, mean-spirited measure” that would cost the state millions of dollars to implement.

The Oct. 16 march, sponsored by the National Coordinating Committee for Citizenship & Civic Participation, will start in East Los Angeles and end at City Hall. Californians will vote on the measure in the Nov. 8 general election.

Proponents argue that Proposition 187 would save the state tens of millions of dollars by denying illegal immigrants public schooling, non-emergency health care, social services and other government benefits.


But Jim Wood, secretary-treasurer of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor AFL-CIO, said Tuesday that the measure “will solve no problems. It is simply a cowardly attack against the sick, children and the elderly.”
