
Values of ‘50s

* Regarding “Society Fails the Next Generation,” Column Left, by Ruth Rosen (Aug. 30), there are two points I wish to raise.

* Prof. Rosen mentions that various women’s group are helping young ladies to deal with “financial disaster, physical abuse and emotional deprivation.” Since when are these problems only important to women? I always thought these issues affect all humans, male and female alike.

* She also says that “male counterparts still dream of Ronald Reagan’s rosy-tinted mythic 1950s” and they need to “understand the economic and social changes that have transformed American society.” These changes have led to high crime rates, out-of-control social spending that is bankrupting the country, declining achievements in schools, a massive drug-abuse problem, babies being born to teen-agers with no morals, education, or financial support to give to their children, and a more divided, dangerous society than the 1950s.


I fully support the rights of women to be treated as equals in the workplace and that men should share the responsibilities at home. However, Rosen (and her whining feminist friends) should embrace the lessons of the 1950s, not attack them as evil.


