
BUENA PARK : 5% Water Rate Hike on Tap for Residents

Residents soon will pay more for water.

City Council members on Monday gave finance officials permission to prepare a water rate increase of 5% for both flat and per-gallon rates.

Most of the city’s 18,000 water customers will see their flat rate go from $9 every two months to $9.45. The 93 cents they pay for every 1,000 gallons will go up to 98 cents.

Even with the increase, Buena Park will have among the lowest rates in the county, Finance Director Greg Beaubien said.


Capital improvement projects and regular maintenance are causing the increases, he said.

Workers are digging two new wells that will reduce the city’s dependence on outside agencies and should save money, he said.

Formal approval of the increase is tentatively scheduled for the Oct. 17 regular meeting of the council at 6650 Beach Blvd.
