
Mastering the Fine Art of Selling


The art world has been taking a few unorthodox steps to bring its message to the masses.

Who could have failed to notice Hiro Yamagata’s movie premiere-style billboard on Hollywood Boulevard promoting his new automotive installation, “Earthly Paradise,” at the Barnsdall Park Municipal Art Gallery?

More appreciative of the sensibility of the men and women in the street--who may find Yamagata’s customized vintage Mercedes-Benzes a little out of their price and status range--is artist Anthony Ausgang’s upcoming “ATM Show” at the Onyx-Sequel Gallery.

No, it’s not a show of arty automatic tellers.

Then why the title? Because every piece is priced to move at a Quick Cash $40. Art ownership is just a PIN number away.



A Capitol Idea: Speaking of ATMs, the Social Climes staff found a stack of cards on a local Versateller with this eye-catching headline, “Need More Money in Your Account?”

Well, who doesn’t?

“Earn a substantial income,” the text went on, “working 10 to 15 hours a week. Full-time money part-time!”

We called the number, fully expecting to be invited to join some fly-by-night boiler room operation or multilevel marketing scheme.


Instead, we were connected to the International Division of Capitol Records, where names of applicants for part-time work were being taken.

We guess good help really is hard to find.


Attack of the Killer Shades: Fast becoming ubiquitous on the streets are those round wire-framed sunglasses with red lenses like Woody Harrelson wears in “Natural Born Killers.”

Why be a mass murderer when you can just dress like one?
