
Who Knows What Evil Lurks? : We do. Think killer mushrooms. Think crafty spiders. The winning entries in our scary story contest will leave you begging for more. : The Manchurian Mushroom

Concannon, 66, is an artist/homemaker/part-time office worker/mother of two/grandmother of two. She lives in Glendale with her husband, Robert

She had been growing a Manchurian mushroom in a bowl in the bathtub and drinking the fermented juice it produced for her health.

When she returned after a week’s vacation, she found the faucet had dripped, giving the mushroom extra moisture. To her horror, she saw the mushroom had grown to gargantuan size and was slipping its slimy body over the edge of the tub.

She stood among the myriad vitamin bottles and thought of the many health products she had taken because “they were good for her.” The creature seemed to look at her from spots on its body that appeared to be eyes.


At that moment, all the vitamins, health food and fermented juice reacted and she vaporized. Her last thought was of a mountain of broccoli.

Without her care, the creature died and only a slime was found in and around the tub. There was no trace of her--no body for the coroner. The only things that remained were her tennis shoes with the arch support inserts. It was labeled a mysterious disappearance.

Oh, if only she had eaten chocolate.
