
LOS ANGELES : Ezell Plans Task Force to Study Alleged Voting Fraud

Claiming that voter fraud is “a major problem,” Proposition 187 co-author Harold Ezell said Thursday that he and others are launching a task force to investigate the extent of voting irregularities in California and to make reform proposals.

At news conferences in Los Angeles and Sacramento, Ezell said the task force will conduct computer cross-checks of voter registration lists and solicit volunteers to determine whether the registration information is correct.

“The system is too lax,” Ezell said, complaining that no effort is made to verify voter registration information. He further criticized a new federal voter registration law soon to go into effect and said that if reforms are not forthcoming, the task force will pursue a state initiative to address the issue.


Although Ezell offered no concrete evidence of voter fraud, he cited a list of duplicate registrations in Los Angeles County.
