
GLENDALE : Zarian Will Seek 4th Council Term

Glendale’s senior member of the City Council announced Tuesday he will seek a fourth term in order to maintain his position on a countywide transportation panel and to preserve “continuity and experience” on the council.

Larry Zarian, who was first elected in 1983 and has been the city’s mayor three times, used the city’s train station and transportation depot as the backdrop for a news conference to announce his bid to retain his seat in the April election.

Zarian, who must maintain his position as an elected official to keep his seat on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, said he is next in line to serve as chairman of the powerful MTA--an opportunity that Glendale should not miss.


“This is something that is so unique, if we don’t get it this time we may never have the chance again for a long time,” Zarian said, adding he would use the position to help bring a light-rail transit system to Los Angeles, Glendale and Burbank.

But the 56-year-old retired businessman and real estate investor said there are myriad other tasks he wants to work on in the future. And with the 1993 election of three freshman council members, he said his status as the council’s elder statesman is still valuable in dealing with budget matters, crime, regional economic growth, increasing opportunities for the city’s youth and other issues.

“The most important thing we’re going to be dealing with is the city budget and the future of Glendale. As you know, there have been shortfalls over the past three or four years and we will continue to have shortfalls,” he said. “We need to be frugal.”


Supporters joining Zarian at the kickoff included local business people and former Glendale Mayors Ginger Bremberg and Carl Raggio.

“I think we now have one of the best councils we’ve had in many years, and I don’t think we should break it up,” said DeWitt Clinton, who ran unsuccessfully for council in 1993.

Rather than try again, Clinton said he will support Zarian and Mayor Eileen Givens, who announced her reelection bid last week.
