
La Palma : Nominations Sought for Wall of Fame

City officials are seeking nominations for the 1995 Wall of Fame Awards.

The city’s Wall of Fame is an exterior array of plaques on a wall on the east side of the Civic Center.

The City Council takes nominations annually.

The city policy, adopted in 1988, states: “The purpose of the Wall of Fame is to recognize those individuals who, through unselfish acts and with little or no personal remuneration, have made tangible or inspirational contributions which transcend time and which benefit the community as a whole.”

Nominees may be people, organizations or businesses. Those nominated must be city residents or work here. Nominations may be posthumous.


Nominees can be honored for their work in several categories, including cultural arts, humanitarian or social concerns, economic well-being, leisure and recreation, improving quality of life, and the city’s history and development.

Nomination forms, available in City Hall, 7822 Walker St. must be returned to City Hall by April 15 or postmarked by that date.

Nominations will be submitted to the City Council for a vote by secret ballot at the first council meeting in May.


A unanimous vote is necessary for selection.
