
LAGUNA BEACH : City to Weigh Appeal Against Farmers Market

Plans to sell fresh produce in the parking lot of the school district headquarters on Saturdays face a possible delay because of an appeal from residents who say the Farmers Market would bring unwelcome noise and activity to their neighborhood.

The City Council will consider the appeal by John and Alicia Burnham on Tuesday.

In a letter to officials, the Burnhams, who live near the school district offices at 550 Blumont St., say the market would increase parking and traffic woes and invite strangers and possible crime to the neighborhood, ultimately decreasing their property values.

“The operation of a Farmers Market would result in an overall disturbance of the peace and tranquillity of the neighborhood,” the letter says.


Supporters of the market, some of whom have worked for years to find a site for it, say the clatter from the open air market would not cause a disturbance. They want the project to go forward.

Bivens Hunt, chairwoman of the ad hoc Friends of the Farmers Market Committee, has predicted the market--where residents could buy organic fruits and vegetables, flowers and other items--would be “the most successful resident-serving business” Laguna Beach has seen in years.

The Planning Commission last month unanimously endorsed the bid to let the Orange County Farm Bureau open the market May 13.


Community Development Director Kyle Butterwick is recommending that the appeal be denied.
