
Talk Radio and Blast

* I am a liberal Democrat. I voted for President Clinton, but I think he was wrong when he talked about “angry voices in America that leave the impression that violence is acceptable.” He did not name names, but it is obvious that he was talking about talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Gordon Liddy and Ollie North. I seldom agree with any of those guys. But, hey, this is America and our Constitution is precious! It gives them a right to say anything they damn well please! That’s what democracy is all about--the right to dissent.


Van Nuys

* When shock-jock Howard Stern utters a few words pertaining to human genitalia, he is pursued by the FCC and fined hundreds of thousands. But when far-right-wing talk show host Liddy explains how best to kill an ATF agent, no one lifts a finger. I guess my definition of what is obscene is a little different from the FCC’s.


Aliso Viejo

* Much attention has been given to militia and radio performers, but why not look at the wider problem of why respect for government has fallen so low. I recently found this phrase in the alumni magazine of a very respected university: “Privatization became that rarest of things: a successful government program.” While the underlying assertion is clearly false, it is probably as widely believed by Americans as the old tale of the welfare queens who are chauffeured in their Cadillacs to pick up their checks. I believe that each of us has a responsibility to point out these lies.


The Times does a lot of polling. Why not find out how widespread are such misconceptions? Why not devote space to describing, even lauding successful government programs?


Garden Grove
