
Westside : Council May Be Repaid for Child-Care Costs

Nothing stands in the way of politics in Santa Monica--not even child-rearing duties.

But now the city wants to lend a helping hand to those political leaders who leave their families for hours on end to conduct municipal business.

The city is considering a new policy to allow elected and appointed officials to be reimbursed for child-care costs, including entertainment.

City staff members are scheduled to report to the City Council next month on the feasibility of the plan.


The idea was born after City Councilwoman Ruth Ebner requested reimbursement for entertaining her 14-year-old son, Noah, who accompanied his mother on an out-of-town trip. Ebner had to pay for Noah to take tours and to participate in recreation programs at the hotel.

“If my son were younger, I couldn’t even think about running for office,” she said. “I don’t get home until 1 a.m. after City Council meetings.”

Ebner leaves her son with friends during council meetings but estimates it would cost her about $30 per meeting if she had to pay someone to watch him.


Others say there could be an additional benefit to the proposal: Perhaps the council would shorten its weekly meetings, which are legendary for running until the wee hours of the morning, if taxpayers were footing the child-care bill.
