
Ross and ‘Black Pop’

I would like to take exception to one word in an otherwise well-written concert review and that word is black (“Ross Lives Up to Her Diva Image at Amphitheatre,” Calendar, Oct. 2). In her article about Diana Ross’ appearance, Connie Johnson said that the singer was the reigning diva in the world of “black pop.” I never knew there was such a musical genre as “black pop.” I have heard of pop, rhythm and blues, jazz, rock, etc. I didn’t realize that distinctions had to be made based upon the ethnicity of the performer.

It is very unfortunate that Ms. Johnson felt the need to reduce herself to such base characterizations, especially since it added nothing to the content of her piece. I am looking forward to the day when we as a society can become less focused on race and more focused on people. I am surprised that in a city as diverse as Los Angeles, the voice of the people, the newspaper, needs to be reminded of that notion.


Los Angeles
