
A Modest Proposal for Juror Compensation

* Emotions are still certainly highly charged from our recent close-up look at the state of American justice presented by way of the Simpson trial. Clearly it is vital that more Americans participate in the jury system. Most have become very good at avoiding the opportunity to serve.

Though many Americans have jobs that will pay them for their jury time, a large number of citizens are either self-employed, professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, salespeople or in such positions that they just can’t afford the time it takes to participate in the legal system.

As I’m a businessman, not involved in politics, I have an idea to share: I propose a jury duty tax credit to be granted to all those who take time away from work to serve in the system as jurors. This could be a tax-saving percentage linked to income, creating a way for the participant to be compensated for time, in proportion to income.


This “American Juror Compensation Tax Credit” could replace the time-off programs provided by both business and government employers. This would take a financial burden off the private sector and could encourage more Americans to participate in a more just system.


North Hills
