
Management Myopia

Re “Corporate Anorexia May Wind Up Being Fatal,” by Carrie Leana, Commentary, Nov. 8: I must concur with the views expressed. As a member of the job force for over 40 years, I am now considered a relic of times gone by. I have been with my present employer for over 25 years. In that period there have been five corporate ownership changes.

My observation is that management seeking dependable and loyal employees has a responsibility too. With the attitude of being able to “fire at will” and requiring such endorsements, they can hardly expect a marriage made in heaven. Is it any wonder that unions come rushing to the rescue?

It does not surprise me that in downsizing, the employees with the highest salaries are let go, the lower bottom line being the overriding goal-- and unfortunately for the few old- timers who remain, we spend our waning days constantly training personnel either new or marginal in ability.


As long as “managements with myopia” are the current fad, this will continue.


