
THE SQUEEZE IS ON: KROQ has another...

THE SQUEEZE IS ON: KROQ has another annual charity promotion coming--the Christmas cassette put together by morning men Kevin Ryder and Gene (Bean) Baxter.

Last year’s collection of specially recorded songs and comedy bits was called “No Toys for O.J.” This year: “How the Juice Stole Christmas”--sort of.

“Our lawyers said we can say it on the air,” says “Kevin and Bean Show” producer Frank Murphy. “But in print, there’s some guy named Simpson or something, I’m not sure who he is, who has copyrighted the name ‘The Juice.’ ”


Instead, the tape is officially called “How the ----- Stole Christmas,” but there is a footnote explaining, “Write your favorite former football player’s citrus-related nickname that rhymes with moose in the blank space above.”

Kevin and Bean will fill in the blanks about the tape’s contents on their show Monday, but we can give a preview: Among those performing seasonal songs are Bush, Stone Temple Pilots and Bjork (a traditional Icelandic tune), with comedic bits by Jon Stewart, “X-Files” stars Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny, and the Kevin and Bean cast.

Last year’s cassette (priced at $1.67, with proceeds going to the Starlight Foundation) sold out its run of nearly 50,000 almost instantly. This year’s edition goes on sale Dec. 5, available only at L.A.-area Wherehouse stores.
