
COUNTERPUNCH LETTERS : Theater in L.A. Rates Among the World’s Best

As an actively working lighting designer in Los Angeles and other cities around the world, I am most upset by Jonathan Reynolds’ statement that designers elsewhere are better artists (“Why L.A.’s Theater Isn’t World-Class,” Calendar, Nov. 27). I have more than 150 Broadway credits and have designed in most of the major cities of the world.

There are as many fine designers in Los Angeles as anywhere. The problem here is that one cannot make a living as a designer in the theater. I still must travel to other places after 19 years here and occasionally teach to keep the wolf from the door and, let me assure you, that isn’t always easy.

Our theatergoing public deserves more than warmed-over Broadway and responds very well to classical theater. Yes, it is unfortunate that we do not have a central theater district but just look at the number of productions done every year all over the area and it becomes clear that Los Angeles is a world-class theater city.



Sherman Oaks
