
5,675 Candidates Running for 450 Seats in the Duma

Russians vote today in their second nationwide election since the end of Soviet rule in 1991. They are electing a new Duma, or lower house of Parliament. Its 450 members will serve for four years.

Half the seats will be filled from party slates by proportional representation. A party must get at least 5% of the nationwide vote to get any seats. Forty-three parties have presented slates totaling 5,675 candidates.

Besides casting a ballot for a party slate, each voter will choose a candidate to represent his or her district. The Duma’s remaining 225 seats will be filled by the top vote-getter in each district, without a runoff. A total of 2,687 candidates are running for these seats, an average of 12 per district.


The party slate returns should be clear by early Monday and will indicate the strength of rival candidates for June 16 presidential elections.
