
Ahwahnee Holds Lottery for ’96

Those holding tickets to the famed Bracebridge dinners at Yosemite’s Ahwahnee Hotel--canceled this year due to the federal budget impasse that shut down the national park--will have the option of attending in 1996. But the hotel will still hold a lottery for whatever seats remain at next year’s Christmas feasts.

This year’s dinners--five feasts spread over three days--as usual were sold out a year ahead. All 1,650 people who had reserved may use their tickets in 1996, but a spokesman said there are several restrictions: reservations for rooms and dinners are nontransferable; carry-overs will be exactly the same--no additional rooms or dinners will be allowed--and dates cannot be changed. The rules are spelled out in a tape-recorded message available at (209) 372-1000.

To obtain an application for the 1996 lottery, travelers must write to Yosemite Concession Services Reservations, 5410 E. Home Ave., Fresno, CA 93727. Applications must be submitted by Jan. 15.
