
Politics and MTA Problems

* “The MTA Should Get Its Priorities Straight,” (editorial, Jan. 28) was right on track.

The problems that plague the MTA aren’t the result of fate or outside intervention, they’re the product of political manipulation and micro-management by board members and their numerous alternates, as well as the desire by vendors, lobbyists and board members to direct and control billions of dollars of design and construction contracts. This is not just my opinion but is the finding of the MTA’s independent management auditor.

Unfortunately, the solutions can’t come from Sacramento. The legislation introduced by Assemblyman Steve Kuykendall (R-Rancho Palos Verdes) only makes cosmetic changes to the membership of the board and the MTA has had all the political high jinks it can stand.

The best thing MTA board members can do is to move as quickly as possible to find the best CEO and put their collective support behind the new management.



Assembly Democratic Leader
