
Program Is Aimed at Stroke Prevention

Health Net Seniority Plus will sponsor a monthlong campaign--with three area medical groups--aimed at reducing the threat of strokes among seniors by providing free health screening and education programs.

Brian Brokowski, spokesman for Health Net, said the third annual “Heartscore ‘96,” part of a national campaign launched by the American Heart Assn., has drawn other health groups as participants.

Known as the silent killer, strokes are one of the leading causes of death among adults 65 and older, said Sylvia Scamands, senior medical director for Health Net.


“High blood pressure is one of the primary causes of stroke in older adults, but the symptoms are reversible,” she said.

Brokowski said 10 medical groups at 24 sites in Southern California will provide screenings on specific dates during February, starting today.

The clinics will offer blood pressure tests and written assessments. Doctors will identify those at high risk of having a stroke and offer prevention strategies.


Three medical groups will offer screenings in the San Fernando and Santa Clarita valleys:

* Lakeside Medical Assn. will hold two screenings: the first today at its Burbank facility, 500 E. Olive, Suite 560; the second Thursday in North Hollywood, 12660 Riverside Drive, Suite 310. Both screenings will be held from 1 to 5 p.m.

* Greater Valley Medical Group will also sponsor two screenings: Monday in its Van Nuys facility, 14600 Sherman Way, Suite 300 ; and Feb. 23 in Santa Clarita, 23504 Lyons Ave., Suite 200. Both will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

* Mullikin Medical Center, at 6800 Owensmouth Ave. in Canoga Park, will hold the final area screening from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 27.


More information on Heartscore ’96 is available by calling (800) AHA-USA1.
