
New Sign Ordinance Takes Effect Thursday

Signs, signs, everywhere signs--except in Simi Valley, beginning Thursday.

The city’s new temporary sign ordinance takes effect, forbidding the posting of signs beyond a certain size or a certain amount of time.

These, according to City Hall, are the new rules:

* No portable signs.

* No signs attached to utility poles, utility boxes, trees or shrubs or anywhere on street medians.

* No signs bigger than 12 square feet unless the city determines that they promote the public health, safety and welfare of Simi Valley residents.


Signs advertising businesses, real estate and fee-for-admission events can be displayed along streets and sidewalks for no more than five days. Noncommercial signs such as lost-pet messages, nonprofit advertising or political campaign posters can be left up for no more than 120 days. And signs posted on private property can be posted no more than 120 days, one sign per parcel of land.

Signs between 12 and 50 square feet are permitted on private property only with a temporary sign permit.

And finally, warns City Manager Mike Sedell, beginning Thursday any illegally posted sign will be summarily ripped down.
