
In ‘95, Blacks Targeted Most in O.C. Hate Crimes

Hate Report

The Orange County Human Relations Commission documented 175 hate crimes in 1995. One quarter of the incidents were directed at blacks. Overall,most of the crimes were instances of vandalism or verbal abuse.

Blacks: 44

Jews: 36

Asians: 19

Latinos: 17

Lesbians and gays: 12

Multiple victims: 38

Others*: 9

* Includes attacks against three whites, two Arabs and one each Iranian, AmericanIndian, Jehovah’s Witness and Christian.


Type of Crime

Vandalism: 39%

Hate Literature: 8%

Verbal assault: 32%

Physical assault: 21%


Group Trends

Attacks against memebers of specific groups vary from year to year. How the four most victimized groups in 1995 fared over the past five years:


Blacks: ‘95: 44

Asians: ‘95: 19

Jews: ‘95: 36

Latinos: ‘95: 17

Source: Orange County Human Relations Commission
