
Volunteers to Fix Up 40 Homes

More than 800 volunteers have signed up to help apply more than 1,200 gallons of paint to the homes of low-income senior citizens and people with disabilities at today’s annual Paint Your Heart Out Anaheim project.

Since the beautification project began in 1991, teams of volunteers have repaired and painted 193 homes. Forty homes have been selected for the free refurbishment this weekend with the help of local businesses, schools, churches, civic groups and the city.

The program will end with a thank-you party tonight at Anaheim Stadium.

The Anaheim Community Foundation and the city Community Development Department are coordinating the project. Paint and supplies, construction materials and food have been donated by local businesses.


Program coordinator Carolyn Griebe said that making friends with the homeowners during the workday is one of the big rewards for the volunteers, “and the feeling of accomplishment is the other. They see the immediate results of their work.”

Griebe said the average home fix-up cost about $4,000.
