
Injured Boy, 4, Rescues Mother After Crash

Associated Press

A 4-year-old boy walked half a mile to summon help after he and his mother were injured in a car accident.

“He just walked right in,” said Angela Jackson, describing how Dalton Campbell showed up at her home Saturday. “His whole face was covered with blood, and all you could see were his two little eyes.”

Jackson said the boy said his mother was dead. But authorities found Teresa Sizemore, 27, unconscious beneath her 1996 Dodge. She was hospitalized in serious condition with a head injury. Dalton was treated for a head cut and released to relatives.


“I think it was remarkable what the young man did. It took a lot of courage,” said Captain Robert Hickman of the Monticello Fire Department. “It was barely light. His mom was unconscious.”
