
Nuclear Weapons

Re “U.S. Nuclear Weapons Plan Under Fire,” Feb. 19: I was dismayed to read that the United States would soon resume building nuclear weapons, maintaining an existing arsenal of 6,000 nuclear bombs. I thought by now we had gotten the message that nuclear bombs were deadly to all life on this planet.

It matters little who launches them or where they explode. In the aftermath of nuclear war, most living things will die, with the few survivors forced to live underground for thousands of years.

Once upon a time an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs. Man now seems poised and determined to bring about his own demise. With this nuclear sword hanging over our heads, it’s no wonder people turn to drugs and alcohol to find relief. And why should they respect the sanctity of life when our leaders do not.


It is now the 11th hour and unless right-thinking people everywhere make their voices heard, the bell will soon toll for all mankind.


