
School Board Endorsements

In your endorsement of Los Angeles School Board candidates (March 26), you were too quick to dismiss District 4 candidate Valerie Fields’ perspective as an educator and a parent of four children who went through the Los Angeles schools. I believe she is best prepared to take on LAUSD’s challenges. Fields has taken the time, on many occasions, to discuss details of her plan to transform schools, and to give more choice and authority to local parents, teachers and principals.

As the dean of the College of Education at Cal State Northridge, I have worked with Fields on a wide range of education issues. I have great confidence in her ability to bring people together to solve problems. That’s why I endorse Fields and will be voting for her. No candidate, in my opinion, is better suited to effect positive change.


Los Angeles

Earth calling L.A. Times! You are more out of focus than the Hubble telescope!

Are the merits of our school board candidates in District 6 to be judged by the levels of their campaign financing? If this is the case, where were your endorsements for Ross Perot and Steve Forbes?


Julie Korenstein asking “probing financial questions” is only part of the process. More relevant would be her understanding the answers, followed by the willingness and ability to take action.

Her 10-year board career has been a textbook example--of inertia. Our children deserve new board leaders who will act decisively on critical issues, not political posers engaged in self-perpetuation.


Sherman Oaks
