
Taking Issue With One Issue

In Roy Rivenburg’s April 2 story “Partial Truths,” he reports that the pro-choice medical illustrator who portrayed a partial-birth procedure for our ad was “instructed” to draw a third-trimester fetus. My quick call to the ad agency revealed, however, that the illustrator was told no such thing. He was simply handed the medical materials written by one of the original partial-birth abortionists and told to illustrate what the abortionist described in great detail.

How strange to highlight this question in the first place, given that a partial-birth abortionist has publicly admitted performing third-trimester abortions on healthy children. How much stranger to accept unchallenged a claim from an artist who would presumably oppose pro-life success on this issue.


Director of Planning and Information

Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities

Washington, D.C.
