
Noise in Parks

Regarding the desire to restore the “natural quiet” of the parks (editorial, May 15), I wonder why the complaints center only on airplanes. I have visited both the north and south rims of the Grand Canyon several times in the last 10 years, as well as many other national parks. I can’t remember hearing airplanes while in the parks, or at least not to the extent that I remember being annoyed by the noise.

If the Park Service and the Interior Department want to eliminate unnatural noise from the parks, I suggest they eliminate the buses first. They make much more noise for longer periods of time than the occasional airplane flying 1,000 feet overhead. They also might ban trains to and through the parks, air conditioners on the buildings, boom boxes playing at all hours, and don’t forget delivery trucks, automobiles, motorcycles and RVs. Last but not least, let’s ban all people--then the natural quiet of the parks will finally be restored.

