
Autopsies Confirm 3 Children Died From Carbon Monoxide

Autopsies confirmed Tuesday that carbon monoxide fumes killed three children as they slept in the back of their parents’ pickup truck on the way home from a family trip to Northern California, authorities said.

The deaths have been ruled accidental, coroner’s spokesman Scott Carrier said.

The parents, Estela Aguilar and Rolando Juarez of Hollywood, thought the children were sleeping during the ride home from their grandmother’s house in San Francisco during a trip over the Memorial Day weekend.

But when the couple arrived at their Leland Way apartment about 6 a.m. Monday, their attempts to awaken the children failed.


Natalie, 7, Kimberly, 3, and Kevin, 20 months, were pronounced dead at hospitals.

Donations to a trust fund to help pay for the funerals may be sent to the Juarez Family Fund, Los Angeles Police Department Juvenile Division, Room 140, 150 N. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, 90012.
