
Liberal Ideology Leads to Failure

* Wylie A. Aitken, in his Orange County Voices column “No, They’re Not Always Right,” June 8, states that it is not immoral to be a Democrat. Agreed, but it is stupid.

Democrats are liberals. Liberalism is social programs, another term for socialism. Aside from the fact that we have spent billions of dollars and thousands of American lives fighting socialism, it has, or is, failing every place it has been tried. It always will fail because it violates a fundamental law of nature which is survival of the fittest. Anybody who believes in a proven failed system cannot be too swift.



* In speaking of the “unctuous blather” of Orange County Republican leaders, Wylie A. Aitken gives us the usual liberal Democrat smarmy twaddle.


It appears that it’s a battle of the twits as Aitken and his Monty Pythonesque comrades stand there shouting about the rights of “hard working immigrants” (read, illegal immigrants) and the elite Republicans shout back with talk of “free trade”(read, send more of our factories overseas).

America has outgrown the two-party system, because there are fools to the right and fools to the left and in the middle are many of the biggest fools of all.


Costa Mesa
