
Lott’s Remarks

Re “Lott Calls Clinton ‘Spoiled Brat’ Over GOP Tax-Cut Plan,” June 16: So gridlock and fighting like children in the Senate isn’t enough anymore, now we need to add name-calling to the mix. Well if that’s the case, then it’s time to call Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) the appropriate name: crybaby.

It is unfathomable to me that a member of government can allow partisan feelings to extend to name-calling of an American institution, the presidency of the United States. The Republicans should come right out and admit their tax relief is designed for the affluent rather than trying to disguise it as help for all Americans and then take it to the American public for support.

If the GOP continues on its present journey we will have a new name to call Lott during the next elections--sore loser.



Los Angeles

To paraphrase the Republican leader’s criticism of Clinton’s objection to the GOP tax plan, isn’t the “Lott calling the kettle brat”?


