
10 Commandments at Courthouse

Re “Which Ten Commandments Were Those?” Commentary, Dec. 8: Steven Lubet gives us the impression that, depending on one’s theology, there may be more than 10 commandments found in Exodus 20:1-17. The average reader should bear in mind that the numbering of the verses in the Bible was put in arbitrarily and at times defectively by scholars for the convenience of reading it.

The shift to a post-modern epistemology leads one to evaluate whether or not we are truly a Christian nation. If we are, then it seems responsibly fitting to question the constitutional basis for disallowing the plaque of the Ten Commandments in the courthouse. But if we are not a Christian nation, not only should the plaque be removed from the courthouse, but swearing by the Bible should be disallowed as well.


Chino Hills

* Lubet and other separation of church and state advocates who want all religious objects banned from public places should first demand the removal of statues of a pagan goddess holding scales from our courthouses.


At least take off her blindfold so that she can see the lawyers and judges who constantly rape her.


