
Richard Alatorre

Re “Alatorre Home Deal Received Array of Help,” Dec. 23: Once again we are reminded that those who hold power for any length of time often confuse their public obligations with their private wants and desires.

I grew up in Eagle Rock, graduated from its high school and attended Cal State L.A. and Occidental College. My parents still live in the modest house where my sister and I were raised. It is located just down the street from Councilman Richard Alatorre’s new home. Unlike the councilman, my father worked nights as a mechanic and weekends at another job to pay the mortgage on his home of 50 years. My mother worked many part-time jobs in the community to help meet the bills. Unlike the councilman and his wife, my parents did not pay for their home with their honor or their integrity. They paid with their hard work and industry, and in the process demonstrated their integrity and honor. In contrast, it appears that Alatorre has acquired property at a price far greater than its cash value.



* It has been my pleasure and my privilege to know Richard and Angie Alatorre for the past five years, since I was hired to be the principal of St. Alphonsus School. At that time, Angie’s niece entered our kindergarten and when she was in the second grade her mother died. Since that sad time, Richard and Angie have taken care of her and she and they are valued members of our community.


Those of us who work with kids on the Eastside know that we can always count on Richard and Angie Alatorre to help us when we need help. I once asked Richard why The Times was always after him and he told me that he had no idea. I think I do know why. He is a Mexican who has chosen to represent his people and he is not from the Westside. I am white and I have chosen to work on the Eastside. As a white person from outside the area, this makes me ashamed. Richard has always been one of my best allies. All of us who work with kids on the Eastside know the truth about the Alatorres. Maybe one day The Times will see fit to print it.


Los Angeles
